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Five Wrong Reasons To Get Married From LovePastor?

We are living in a community where, married people are not only been cherished but viewed and regarded as the most responsible people. Marriage is not only valuable as an institution itself, but also command certain societal values and respects for one who is able to get married at an appropriate TIME. LovePastor just wanna say these to my girls.

In spite of the above mentioned importance of Marriage, we still have so many cases of marital problems which most times do eventually ended up with divorce. This can only be attributed to the failure of young couples to give certain considerations to some important issues before walking to the altar. Most times, people get married for wrong reasons. or been buzzed into marriage.

Quote: Marriage is a great school, you learn everyday? Hardly before you graduate.

Nowadays most couples unknowingly get married for wrong reason. Marriage to them, is more or less like a commercial bus on the road which anyone can join then decide to drop from at anytime when he/she is no longer feeling convenient with the journey they get out of the bus looking for another bus to enter. Most of the women are just like same bus; when they are tired of marriage eventually run  out of the marriage seeking for another partner.

Below Are Five Wrong Reasons To Get Married. From LovePastor

1. Feeling Lonely And Bored:
 This is mostly common among singles who are of age limit. Especially when ladies reach the age of 30 and above. They just want to go out of that lonely life. Their wrong assumption is that, marriage will definitely cure their loneliness. Lol lovepastor. I Love writing.

If you built your marriage on this wrong reason, am sorry to tell you that, getting a spouse won’t cure loneliness. In fact, such partner can make your loneliness worse because he/she will never fulfill all his promises you expected from him. You will then feel more bored, at a time when you've already tied yourself down with the wrong partner in your life. Am sorry dare.

2. Getting Married To Please Him/Her or the Society: This may not be strange to you, in one way or the other you might have seen or heard of couples who only got married to relieve the societal pressure on their heads. Excess Sex Losses Tight Virg!!nal 
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In Africa society, marriage is not only valuable as an institution itself, but also command certain societal values and respects for one who is able to get married at an appropriate time. It is as a result of this, that people will always want to get hooked in order not to be pressurized by the societal demands. "Men's" 

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If you are yet to find the right person and you are getting married for this wrong reason, then the marriage might not last for you, you just want to answer the name of married man or woman.

3. You Think Marriage Should Be The Next Thing To Do In Your Life: We have this wrong belief, and almost everyone believes in it in this part of the World. The thing is, once you graduated from the University, got a job, the next thing is to get married. Without paying regards to maturity, finding the right person or getting ready into marriage with both couples and partners been together. 

In most cases, that is the formula everyone is expected to apply to their lives. Though, LovePastor is not condemning this process, but proper regards should also be paid to weather you've gotten the right partner, in school, on work schedule, at a particular moment, ready so as your partner are matured for marriage known what marriage truly mean. Don't just rush into marriage because you felt its the next step in your formula. 15 things every young girl needs to known about masturbations.

4. All Your Friends Are Married: Personally, I have met with many ladies who only felt they were ripe for marriage because all their friends had already married. This is one of the worst reason why people rush into marriage. At the end of the day, when things don't seem the way they were, they rush out immediately doing all things impossible to be possible. 

5. Because I'm Getting Old: At a certain age, some ladies become so desperate to get married. They don't care whatever it will take to get that done. They can't just remain single at that age. This is really common in our society.

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If age is the only factor that is forcing you to get married at this time, then you must be getting married for a wrong reason.

Marriage is only worthy of rushing into, when you find the right person that loves you and you love in return, you can both cope with each other, matured and both

of you are ready for marriage because you understand each other, love each other the successful key of marriage. Advice to the Single Ladies in Love 

I Hope these article is helpful to my noble readers.

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Five Wrong Reasons To Get Married From LovePastor? Five Wrong Reasons To Get Married From LovePastor? Reviewed by Unknown on September 11, 2017 Rating: 5

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